
Beans are a rich source of nutrients, including proteins, starch, some unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytosterols. The negative characteristics of beans include the presence in the bran shell of beans of specific substances – antinutrients that can be neutralized during soaking. The aim of this work was to develop a way to produce canned beans with pre-soaking. A laboratory unit was designed with cold soaking (at a temperature of the surrounding medium of 20 °C), by the hot method (at a temperature of 50 °C) with heating from a spiral, and with electrocontact heating. Experimental studies determined the dynamics of mass change when soaking beans samples of "Rant" variety by various methods. Under the conditions of electrocontact heating, the highest value of the final mass was revealed, 150 % larger than the initial, and the shortest duration of the process (compared to the cold method – 2.25 times less). It is proved that the cold method is the least energy-consuming. Due to its shortcomings in the relatively significant duration and risk of obtaining products of unsatisfactory quality, the use of the cold method is impractical. To implement the hot method, an effective method from the point of view of energy saving is the soaking method under conditions of electrocontact heating, in which the power was 19 % less. Within the framework of the task set, the organoleptic indicators of finished products "Beans in tomato sauce of the highest grade" were investigated in accordance with DSTU 6074:2009. According to technological advancements, the products compiled with the standard indicators and received the highest ratings, which indicates their high quality.

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