
Drilling in the Permian basin increased during 1973. Exploratory drilling was up 2.8% and development was up 10.5%. Exploratory success increased 5.1% from 1972, whereas the development success declined 0.7%. Crude oil production rose 1.85% in 1973 over 1972. This amounts to 14,232,012 bbl. The most active exploratory area was on the western side of the Delaware basin in both West Texas and eastern New Mexico. In the West Texas part, the objectives were Silurian and Fusselman, whereas the Morrow sandstones were of interest in New Mexico. Seismic activity increased 21.1% during 1973. West Texas had an increase of 27.3% whereas eastern New Mexico had a loss of 4.7%. Leasing activity saw a general increase over 1972 throughout the Permian basin.

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