
Introduction. W.W. Hartup, The Development of Aggression: Where Do We Stand? Part I: The Development of Aggression in Animals and Humans. P.L. Gendreau, J. Archer, Subtypes of Aggression in Humans and Animals. S. Pellis, V. C. Pellis, A. Foroud, Play Fighting: Aggression, Affiliation and the Development of Nuanced Social Skills. S.J. Suomi, Genetic and Environmental Factors Influencing the Expression of Impulsive Aggression and Serotonergic Functioning in Rhesus Monkeys. R.E. Tremblay, D. Nagin, The Developmental Origins of Physical Aggression in Humans. D. Hay, The Beginnings of Aggression in Infancy. J.B. Peterson, J. Flanders, Play and the Regulation of Aggression. T. Vaillancourt, Indirect Aggression Among Humans: Social Construct or Evolutionary Adaptation? F. Vitaro, M. Brendgen, Proactive and Reactive Aggression: A Developmental Perspective. R. Loeber, E. Lacourse, D.L. Homish, Homicide, Violence, and Developmental Trajectories. Part II: Determinants of Aggression. D. Prusse, P. Gendreau, Genetic Environmental Etiology of Individual Variation in Aggression. T. Paus, Mapping Brain Development and Aggression. R.O. Pihl, C. Benkelfat, Neuromodulators in the Development and Expression of Inhibition and Aggression. S. van Goozen, Hormones and the Developmental Origins of Aggression. J.R. Sguin, P.D. Zelazo, Executive Function in Early Physical Aggression. G. Dionne, Language Development and Aggressive Behavior. M. Zoccolillo, E. Romano, D. Joubert, T. Mazzarello, S. Cote, M. Boivin, D. Prusse, R. Tremblay, The Intergenerational Transmission of Aggression and Antisocial Behavior. M. Boivin, F. Vitaro, F. Poulin, Peer Relationships and the Development of Aggressive Behavior in Early Childhood. U. Gatti, R.E. Tremblay, Social Capital and Physical Violence. J. Archer, S. Cote, Sex Differences in Aggressive Behavior: A Developmental and Evolutionary Perspective. Part III: Challenges for the Future. R.E. Tremblay, S. Cote, The State of Knowledge and the Prevention of Aggression Among Humans.

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