
Part I: Setting the Stage: Understanding the Development of Gender Differences in Aggression and Antisocial Behavior. Maccoby, Aggression in the Context of Gender Development. Susman, Pajer, Biology-behavior Integration and Antisocial Behavior in Girls. Zahn-Waxler, Polanichka, All Things Interpersonal: Socialization and Female Aggression. Part II: Aggression and Victimization Among Girls in Childhood. Crick, Ostrov, Appleyard, Jansen, Casas, Relational Aggression in Early Childhood: You Can't Come to My Birthday Party Unless.... Pepler, Craig, Yuile, Connolly, Girls Who Bully: A Developmental and Relational Perspective. Putallaz, Kupersmidt, Coie, McKnight, Grimes, A Behavior Analysis of Girls' Aggression and Victimization. Part III: Understanding Antisocial and Related Problem Behaviors in Adolescent Girls. Bierman, Bruschi, Domitrovich, Yan Fang, Miller-Johnson, and the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, Early Disruptive Behaviors Associated with Emerging Antisocial Behavior Among Girls. Trickett, Gordis, Aggression and Antisocial Behavior in Sexually Abused Females. Giordano, Cernkovich, Lowery, A Long-term Follow-up of Serious Adolescent Female Offenders. Chesney-Lind, Belknap, Trends in Delinquent Girls' Aggression and Violent Behavior: A Review of the Evidence. Part IV: Girls as Perpetrators and Victims of Abusive and Conflictual Relationships: Adolescence and Adulthood. Capaldi, Kim, Shortt, Women's Involvement in Aggression in Young Adult Romantic Relationships: A Developmental Systems Model. Zoccolillo, Paquette, Azar, Cote, Tremblay, Parenting as an Important Outcome of Conduct Disorder in Girls. Serbin, Stack, De Genna, Grunzeweig, Temcheff, Schwartzman, Ledingham, When Aggressive Girls Become Mothers: Problems in Parenting, Health, and Development across Two Generations, V. Implications for Policy and Prevention. Underwood, Coie, Commentary 1: Future Directions and Priorities for Prevention and Intervention. Dodge, Commentary 2: Public Policy and the Discovery of Girls' Aggressive Behavior.

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