
Background: Efforts to build services that can provide information quickly and accurately are significant for an agency. The use of the internet in finding health services is a place that can provide information that is not only fast but also provides the right solution. Therefore, a health service website was created containing information about health services, by utilizing the development of information technology, which can carry out health services through a website that can be accessed at any time (Real Time) by the public anywhere and anytime. Laravel is a Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language framework created by Taylor Otwell that has many modern features that help developers create applications. This study aims to design a technology-based health information service system with a web platform to increase public health awareness and facilitate access to information about health services.
 Method: The method used is a linear system development method, namely the waterfall method where each stage of development is carried out sequentially, starting from the stages of analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.
 Result: The results showed that web-based health information service systems can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health services, obtain accurate and up-to-date information about health services, and provide easy access to health information for the public.
 Conclusion: Based on the results of research that has been conducted, it can be concluded that the development of web-based health information service systems has the potential to improve the quality of health services. This system can help health facilities improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health services, by reducing manual processes and improving collaboration between health workers, increasing the accuracy and completeness of health data, reducing data input errors and increasing data accessibility, increasing the security and confidentiality of health data, and increasing patient satisfaction specifically and the public in general, by providing faster services and easy.

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