
Wavelength shifting organic fluors such as tetraphenyl butadiene (TPB) can shift VUV and UV light into the visible blue high quantum efficiency region of low cost borosilicate windowed bialkali photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). Various thicknesses of TPB were deposited by spraying and vacuum evaporation onto both specular 3M TM -foil and diffuse Tetratex TM (TTX) reflectors. 128 nm VUV light generated in 1 bar argon gas by a 5.4 MeV a source was detected by a 3-inch bialkali borosilicate PMT within 1 m tube lined internally with a TPB coated reflector. The light collection was recorded as a function of separation between source and PMT for each combination of coating and reflector for distances up to 1 m. Finally the PMT window was coated in order to shift direct VUV light and the relative efficiencies of each application were compared. The optimum coating and reflector combination was TPB evaporated on TTX. Measurements with coating thicknesses of 0.2 mg=cm 2 and 1.0 mg=cm 2 yielded similar performance. The best PMT window coating is obtained by TPB evaporation of 0.05 mg=cm 2 .

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