Introduction. The aim idea of this research article is a development of the quantitative determination of a biologically active substance quinazolin4(3H)-on derivate with laboratory cypher «VMA-10-182, by UV-spectrophotometry with followed validation. The substance is an effective remedy that combines several pharmacological effects, like an antidepressant, anxiolytic and nootropic. As a result of preclinical trials, the research compound has proven to be an effective remedy in the fight and prevention of acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke). The substance realized pharmacological effects by stimulating the production of nitric oxide by the endothelial cells of the brain. As aresult of stimulating is a vasodilation of the vessels and improvement of blood flow in the ischemic part of the vessels occur. Therefore, for introducing the biologically active substance into medical practice we need to develop ways to control the quality of substance.Aim. The objective of this research work is to develop a method of the quantitative determination of a biologically active substance, derivative quinazolin-4(3H)-on (laboratory sypher – VMA-10-18), by method of UV spectrophotometry. The results of the research work were validated.Materials and methods. In this research we used a substance VMA-10-18 wich was previously purified from the initial and intermediate products of the synthesis. This substance is a white crystalline powder, odorless, hygroscopic.Results and discussion. The quantitative content of the active substance derived quinazolin-4(3H)-on has been determined. The specific absorption rate was calculated, followed by statistical processing of the results. The validation was carried out according to the «Specificity», «Linearity», «Accuracy», «Repeatability». The results indicate the effectiveness of the developed methodology and experimental reproducibility.Conclusion. Researches of physicochemical properties show al us use 95 % ethanol as a solvent. As a result we developed a method for the quantitative determination of the substance which can be proposed for inclusion in the normative documents. The quantitative determination of the active substance in the test substance was established, and the specific absorption index was calculated. All information are statistically processed and meet the requirements of regulatory documentation.
The aim idea of this research article is a development of the quantitative determination of a biologically active substance quinazolin4(3H)-on derivate with laboratory cypher «VMA-10-182, by UV-spectrophotometry with followed validation
As a result of preclinical trials, the research compound has proven to be an effective remedy in the fight and prevention of acute cerebrovascular accident
The objective of this research work is to develop a method of the quantitative determination of a biologically active substance, derivative quinazolin-4(3H)-on, by method of UV spectrophotometry
The quantitative content of the active substance derived quinazolin-4(3H)-on has been determined. As a result we developed a method for the quantitative determination of the substance which can be proposed for inclusion in the normative documents. The quantitative determination of the active substance in the test substance was established, and the specific absorption index was calculated. В результате доклинических испытаний у субстанции выявлены свойства, позволяющие рекомендовать её как эффективное антидепрессивное, антигипоксическое и улучшающего мозговое кровообращение средство. Исследуемую субстанцию можно приблизить к таким сосудистым препаратам, как пикамилон и кавинтон. Пикамилон представляет собой производное гамма-аминомаслянной кислоты, оказывающий прямое миорелаксирующее действие на стенку сосудов и улучшающей фармакокинетические свойства ГАМК [8,9]. Исследуемая субстанция обладает метаболическими свойствами и приравнивается к таким препаратам, как мексидол и фенибут. Фенибут проявляет себя как ГАМК-эргическое средство, способствующее проведению нервных импульсов в ЦНС. В связи с этим актуальна разработка методик контроля качества новой эффективной субстанции c доказанными доклиническими, клиническими эффектами с помощью современных методов физико-химического анализа
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