
The renewable energy is regarded as one of the basic necessities in which many countries have relied to move the wheel of development forward, The rate of energy consumption was considered as an indicator of nations and peoples progress as electric energy represents the infrastructure of various contemporary activities that many countries adopt in their economic growth. The programs of energy development is not taken into account unless there are developing plans not concerned with change, progress and not to deplete fossil fuel resources, which has been depleting in recent times because of the increase in demand for electricity and for the high in oil prices, research concerned the possibility of finding a new resource of electric energy, The solar and wind energy in an important step to solve the problem of electric power crisis in Mosul city and the beginning of energy self-sufficiency. The research aims to identify the concept of developing the renewable energy industry and its types, in addition to know the impact of the natural geographical features in Mosul city to clarify its role in developing the renewable energy industry to know the appropriate sites to establish sites for solar cells and wind farms and their establishment in the study area, for the problem of power outages was regarded as one of the basic problems facing the Iraqi state, including Mosul city , this asked us to study this problem through renewable energy to reach methods to solve it. The study showed that there are three levels of spatial suitability to choose solar cell sites which are inappropriate areas and occupies 2.8 km2 by 4. 1% of the area of Mosul city. It included the areas that are in the shadows of the hills facing the solar radiation, whose slopes are towards the north, and suitable areas of medium degree which occupies 115.9 km2, 2.58% which includes most of the city’s area that's increased in the east and west of the city for relatively high which occupies 80.3km2 by3.40%. It includes most of the city’s area and increases in the east and west of the city, being high areas and their slope towards the south that receive large amounts of solar radiation.

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