The development of the probe-and-drogueaerial refueling task as a handlingqualities demonstrationmaneuver is described. The probe-and-drogue task is an excellent test of handling qualities for precision ying and is also a superb check for pilot-induced oscillation tendencies. The greatest dif culty with this maneuver has been in the de nitionof the task itself including the de nitions of speci c performance limits. The task described herein differs from that described in the Notice of Change to Flying Qualities of Piloted Aircraft (MIL-STD-1797A) in that it requires precise drogue tracking in addition to a percentage of successful hookups. A task representative of that de ned in MIL-STD-1797A that required at least three hookups in six attempts for desired performance was used as the evaluationmethod for theHAVEGAS project conducted by the U.S.Air Force Test Pilot School. This version of the maneuver, however, was found to be too easy even for poorly rated airplanes. Revised maneuver descriptions and performance requirements were developed and evaluated in the HAVE GAS II project that was undertaken as part of the U.S. Air Force Demonstration Maneuvers program and again conducted by the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School. Three candidate tasks were evaluated in this test program: 1) the probe-and-drogue hookup task, 2) a new drogue tracking task, and 3) a new drogue pointing task. Although the drogue tracking task was found to be best for evaluating closed-loop handling qualities, it was limited by the fact that it would not reveal potential problems such as bow-wave effects that may be encountered within 5 ft of the basket. Thus it was concluded that a combination of the drogue tracking task and the probe-and-drogue hookup task should be own to thoroughly evaluate closed-loop handling qualities in the aerial refueling mission.
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