
This article provides an example of arranging functional educational activity in the Russian language classes within the framework of general primary education; describes the stage-by-stage structure of one of the object topics in the Russian language course, considering all components of educational activity from outlining the academic pursuit to monitoring and assessing performance; lists the techniques and examples of the tasks used in the development of control materials based on the formation of metadisciplinary competencies among primary school students; gives partial description to the monitoring and assessment toolset based on inclusion into the educational process. The article characterizes assessment as a means of ensuring the quality of modern education, which implies engagement of both pedagogues and students into assessing the performance. The system of the criterion-based comprehensive assessment, formation of the skills of reflection, introspection, self-control, self-and mutual assessment help the students to develop the effective techniques of managing their educational activity, promote self-awareness, readiness to openly express and defend their position, independent actions, responsibility for their results. The systematic, targeted formation of assessment skills allow the primary school students are to detect the difficulties they face, analyze their causes, plan and implement corrective measures to overcome them.

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