
Gennadiy Kamyshentsev, Tetiana Tiahun, Olga Shevchenko DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONTROL ALGORITHM OF THE INFORMATION AND TECHNICAL METHOD OF ACOUSTIC CONTROL OF THE EMERGENCY OF THE TERRORISTIC HYSTERISTIC In the work on the basis of the analysis of vulnerability of objects of critical infrastructure, the structural scheme of the control algorithm of the information and technical method of acoustic control of emergence of an emergency situation of terrorist character on objects of critical infrastructure of Ukraine is developed. It is proved that the main task of the process of managing a terrorist emergency at a critical infrastructure facility is to prevent intruders from entering a protected facility by detecting and terminating their actions in a timely manner. At the same time, the range of control of detection means located on the protected object is limited to several kilometers. The use of acoustic information from external surveillance systems located at traffic interchanges, in satellite cities, controlled areas of private structures and its analysis of events occurring in the thirty-kilometer zone, will allow the collection of everyday factors to detect in advance the signs of terrorist emergencies. nature, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the entire system of physical protection of the protected object. Accordingly, the control algorithm of the information and technical method of acoustic control of terrorist emergencies at protected critical infrastructure by integrated use of acoustic control systems within the perimeter and approaches to it consists of nineteen blocks located at seven levels. connected by logical connections, and provides distribution of data on the fixed video and audio images, their binding and identification, creates conditions for detection of hostile and obviously hostile actions against the protected object, provides registration of deviations in behavior of people , in the use of transport and other phenomena, which as a result of careful systematization of the obtained data allows to identify signs of preparation of a terrorist act against a protected object and further prevent the development of an emergency situation or prevent its spread. Key words: emergency situation, acoustic control, information and technical method

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