
The result of the conducted research is the development of buckwheat malt production technology using plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions. Buckwheat grain with high starch content became the object of research. The main technological problem is obtaining high-quality brewing malt suitable for the production of gluten-free beer. The expediency of using plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions as an intensifier of the process of germination of buckwheat grains and an effective disinfectant of buckwheat malt has been experimentally proven. It is shown that the use of plasma chemical activation of technological solutions allows to speed up the process of moistening of buckwheat grain by more than 2 times. The energy and germination capacity of buckwheat grains, when using plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions, underwent positive changes. The effect of increasing the energy of germination was from 8 to 14 %, and the ability to germinate was 2–9 %. The amylolytic activity of buckwheat malt was analyzed, an increase in amylolytic activity in the range of 30–77 units/g was noted. The extractability of buckwheat malt was investigated separately. This indicator increased by 2–9 % depending on the concentration of peroxides in the solution. The Kolbach index also increased by 2–10 %, which indicates an intensive course of proteolysis. The total amount of amino acids in the experimental samples increased by 619 mg/100 g. There was a significant decrease in the viscosity of the wort, which indicates the high solubility of the obtained buckwheat malt. The technology can be applied in the industrial production of brewing malt and sprouted buckwheat grain of functional purpose. The developed buckwheat malting technology will receive priority in the production of environmentally friendly buckwheat malts of universal purpose that are not contaminated with pathogenic microflora

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