
The result of the conducted research is the development of a technology for the production of buckwheat groats using plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions. The research object was buckwheat grain. An urgent technological problem is the preservation of biologically valuable components of buckwheat during technological operations and optimization of the existing technology for the production of buckwheat groats. The expediency of using plasma-chemically activated aqueous solutions as an intensifier of the technological process of production of buckwheat groats and an effective groats disinfectant has been experimentally proven. It is shown that the use of plasma-chemical activation of technological solutions allows reducing the temperature and accelerating the course of hydrothermal treatment of buckwheat grain. The composition of buckwheat grain as a raw material was analyzed. The obtained buckwheat groats were studied separately. A reduction in tempering time from 6–10 to 2 h and a decrease in the optimal moistening temperature from 60 to 40 °C were recorded. This allows preserving a number of biologically important components in buckwheat grain. The groats yield increases from 68 to 74 %, i.e. by 1.9–6.0 %. The preservation of the maximum number of amino acids is observed, namely, 7.7 % more than in the control. That is, only 2 % is lost during technological processing, instead of 9.7 % in the control sample. The vitamin composition also remains stable and almost does not decrease in terms of B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, K, E, PP, R. In addition, plasma-chemically activated solutions qualitatively disinfect grain raw materials during processing, which has a positive effect on further storage of buckwheat groats. The technology can be applied in the industrial production of high-quality buckwheat groats. The developed technology will receive special attention in the production of ecologically clean cereal products that are not contaminated with pathogenic microflora

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