
The object of the research of the article is the tactical basics of handling automatic firearms during fire training. The subject of the research is the tactical basics of possession of automatic firearms during the training of fire arms handling. The purpose of the study is to identify the most effective methods for conducting fire training classes aimed at developing handling skills of the students. Research aim is to determine the most effective and accessible methods in the process of handling automatic firearms. The practical significance of the conducted research consists in identifying the most effective methods for fire training training, necessary for practical application. At the same time, attention is paid to strict compliance with safety measures when handling both training and combat weapons during training. The methodology of the conducted research is determined by its purpose and objectives. It is based on a systematic approach to the study of methods of training police officers in the practical use of firearms. The novelty of the scientific article lies in the development of author's methods in the study and testing of tactical actions of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the handling of automatic firearms during fire training. When practicing tactical skills, actions with automatic firearms were carried out both idling and during live firing. The training exercises were practically tested during the training of cadets and trainees at the stage of the practical part of fire training. The development of tactical actions allowed the trainees to form confident practical skills in handling automatic firearms, which in turn affected the increase in the level of general discipline and the readiness of employees to act in practice.

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