
Abstract Manufacturing industries deploy a number of equipment which are functionally critical to the daily operations of the system and as such requires effective maintenance, and monitoring for high productivity to be achieved. Though maintenance of facilities has gained impressive recognition in many industries, the implementation of inappropriate maintenance practices has increased level of frustrations due to little result from huge financial commitment to maintenance in many production systems. In this work a programmable method was developed for the determination of appropriate maintenance strategy for critical machine in a manufacturing company. The system tagged C3MPS (critical machine maintenance management program software) was developed on the strength of Parallel Criteria Model (PCM), Equipment Criticality Rating (ECR) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as subroutines for the establishment of effective maintenance practice. An application of the resulting software in a plastic production company suggested a predictive maintenance as the most effective compared to the existing strategies in practice by the company. The software developed has capacity to effectively evaluate the criticality of equipment and maintenance practice.

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