
One of the priority objectives of school physical education, specified in school programs for all education cycles, is the development of motor skills. The topic addressed by us in this paper was born from the need to have the greatest possible efficiency in the teaching of physical education in grades V-VIII, where the instructional-educational process must pursue concrete goals regarding the system of knowledge, skills and motor skills in order to concretize the model of each class in gymnasium physical education and sports. The study of this topic aims to establish the most effective exercise structures regarding the development of speed motor quality in secondary school students. Using the means proposed by us, after a well-established program in the physical education lesson for secondary school students, in order to develop the speed motor quality, I believe that it will develop obviously, during the whole school year. The data resulting from the scientific investigation regarding the development of speed motor quality through the use of movement games at the secondary school level were implemented in school units in the municipality of Arad. They can be used in the instructional-educational process by the specialists in the field and as methodical material by the students of the faculties of physical education and sport in the disciplines "Theory of physical education and sport" and "Practice and methodology of motor activities by age groups" . The research was conducted during the 2022-2023 school year. Following the application of the experiment, it was found that major differences in student performance were obtained, they had a significant increase between the initial testing and the final testing, which allows us to state that the methodology used in the lessons was adequate. The exercises and games used had a positive influence in obtaining the results of the experiment. Of course, the experiment should be continued and possibly extended to a larger sample of children in order to further improve motor quality, speed in particular, as well as harmonious physical development in general. Keywords: motor qualities, methods, means, physical training, program.

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