
The article considers the main features of the formation process of “soft skills” of high school students in the training based on modern educational technologies. The first part of the article describes the features of the world and Kazakhstan society development over the past three decades, and concludes that there is a need for further reforms in the field of professional guidance in the secondary education system. Matching the needs of modern society, the latter should develop student’s not only professional orientation, but also supra-professional, “flexible”, or “soft” skills. The importance of the vocational education cycle in developing “soft skills” among secondary school pupils is also discussed. In the final part of the article an overview of advanced pedagogical technologies was given, the effectiveness of which in terms of the development of soft skills has been confirmed by both pedagogical science and practice. Significant work in this direction is implemented in further plans to address the problem of soft skills development in terms of effective career guidance work in schools in Kazakhstan. The study shows the main forms and results of the development of soft skills in modern high school in the professional education school system

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