국내에서 유통되고 있는 팽연왕겨(ERH)와 훈탄(CRH)을 포함한 혼합상토를 개발하기 위하여 두 종류 물질 또는 이들을 피트모스(PM) 또는 코이어 더스트(CD)와 혼합한 상토의 물리 화학성을 분석하여 원예용 상토로 적합한 4종류 혼합상토를 선발하였다. 이 후 기비를 첨가한 후 화학성을 분석하여 혼합상토로써의 적합함을 판단하였다. 공극률, 용기용수량 및 기상률에서 ERH는 81.3%, 39.9%, 41.4% 그리고 CRH는 77.6%, 64.1%, 13.5%로 측정되었다. 쉽게 이용할 수 있는 수분(EAW)과 완충수(BW)의 비율은 ERH가 각각 11.37% 및 5.27%로, CRH는 각각 13.5% 및 8.8%였다. 화학적 특성에서 ERH는 pH 7.13, EC <TEX>$1.31dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$</TEX>, 양이온교환용량(CEC) 12.1meq<TEX>${\cdot}100g^{-1}$</TEX>였지만 CRH는 pH 11.2, EC <TEX>$6.53dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$</TEX>, 그리고 CEC 7.79meq<TEX>${\cdot}100g^{-1}$</TEX>로 분석되었다. ERH와 CRH를 PM 또는 CD와 다양한 비율로 혼합한 후 원예용 상토로 적합하다고 판단한 네 종류 상토(PM + ERH, 6:4, v/v;CD + ERH, 8:2; PM + CRH, 7:3; CD + CRH 6:4)의 공극률, 용기용수량 및 기상률은 각각 89.2-90.3%, 67.3-81.8%, 그리고 8.3-21.9%의 범위에 포함되었다. 그러나 피트모스가 혼합된 PM + ERH 또는 PM + CRH 혼합상토는 pH가 4.0-4.3, EC가 <TEX>$0.33-0.36dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$</TEX>로 강산성 물질이었지만, CD + CRH 상토는 pH 7.4-7.9, EC <TEX>$0.814-1.282dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$</TEX>로 pH와 EC가 높았다. 따라서 이들 상토에 포함될 기비의 종류 및 양을 변화시켜 혼합하고 다시 화학적 특성을 분석한 결과 기비로 혼합하기 전과 뚜렷한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 그러나 기비로 혼합된 고토석회나 유황이 상토 pH에 미치는 영향이 매우 느리게 나타남을 고려할 때 우려할 상황은 아니라고 판단하였다. Objective of this research was to develop root media containing expanded rice hull (ERH) and carbonized rice hull (CRH). To achieve this, the physico chemical properties of two materials were analysed and blended with peatmoss (PM) or coir dust (CD) with various ratio. Based on the physical properties of the blended materials, 4 root media were selected for future experiment. After the analysis of pH and EC of the selected root media, the kinds and amount of pre-planting nutrient charge fertilizers (PNCF) incorporated into each root medium were varied, and then, final chemical properties of the root media were analysed. The total porosity (TP), container capacity (CC), and air-filled porosity (AFP) were 81.3%. 39.9%, and 41.4% in ERH and 77.6%, 64.1%, and 13.5% in CRH, respectively. The percentage of easily available water (EAW, from CC to 4.90 kPa tension) and buffering water (BW, 4.91-9.81 kPa tension) were 11.37% and 5.27%, in ERH and 17.26% and 14.28% in CRH, respectively. The pH of ERH was 7.1, but it was extremely high in CRH such as 11.2. The EC and CEC were <TEX>$1.31dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$</TEX> and <TEX>$12.1meq{\cdot}100g^{-1}$</TEX> in ERH and <TEX>$6.53dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$</TEX> and CEC 7.79 <TEX>$meq{\cdot}100g^{-1}$</TEX> in CRH, respectively. The ranges of TP, CC and AFP in 4 selected media (PM + ERH, 6:4, v/v; CD + ERH, 8:2; PM + CRH, 7:3; CD+CRH 6:4) were 89.2-90.3%, 67.3-81.8%, and 8.3-21.9%, respectively. The pHs and ECs in root media containing peatmoss such as PM + ERH (6:4) and PM + CRH (7:3) were 4.0-4.3 and <TEX>$0.33-0.365dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$</TEX>, whereas those of CD + CRH were 7.4-7.9 and <TEX>$1.282dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$</TEX>. The pHs and ECs, however, analysed before and after the incorporation of PNCF in each root medium were not significant different. This result indicated that the incorporated fertilizers in PNCF to adjust medium pH did not dissolve enough to influence medium pH, but it is very normal in root media containing dolomitic lime and sulfur powder in adjusting pH. The Information obtained in this study may facilitate an effective formulation of root media containing rice hulls.
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