
Goal. To determine the role and place of Institute of Animal Science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in the achievements of domestic zootechnical science on the problems of artificial insemination of pigs in the second half of the 20th and the first quarter of the 21st century and show the contribution of individuals to the process of developing methodical and methodological foundations for the development of branch research work. To identify the dynamics of changes in priority scientific directions, the level of improvement of technology and equipment for artificial insemination of agricultural animals. To outline the main technological methods of artificial insemination of pigs, the use of which made it possible to receive high fertilization and prolificacy of animals. Methods. General scientific (typology, classification, analysis and synthesis, abstract-logical) and interdisciplinary (structural-systemic approach), historical (problematic-chronological, descriptive, source and historical analysis and synthesis) are applied. The results. The achievements of scientists of Institute of Animal Science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in the field of artificial insemination of pigs include: a system of organizing the reproduction of pigs in the specialized farms; the method of determining the concentration of boar sperm; the method of rational dosing of boar sperm according to the amount of sperm in a volumetric dose; method of long-term storage of boar sperm at low temperatures; method of increasing the intensity of use of sows in the conditions of the large pig farms; aseptic method of taking sperm from boars; glucosecitrate-chelate-yolk medium (HCCH-U) and glucose-citrate-chelate-phosphate-yolk medium (HCCHPH) for diluting and storing boar sperm at a temperature of 6-0 ºС; technology of aseptic selection, processing and packaging of boar sperm; method of training boars to sit on a stuffed animal (phantom); the method of rational dosing of boar sperm using an artificial vagina; mode of continuous long-term use of adult boars; special installation for diluting and packing sperm URRS-2; device POS-5 for deep introduction of sperm into the cervix of a pig (developed and improved); thermos "Kharkiv-TS-3" for storing and transporting sperm; artificial vagina models; scheme of artificial insemination for the large pig farms; point of artificial insemination; method of deep freezing and long-term storage of sperm of boars; a set of devices for laser processing of sperm, etc. Conclusions. The evolution of scientific opinion on the relevant topic at Institute of Animal Science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences took place over 90 years - from initial experiments to the development of methods of freezing and long-term storage of sperm of boars, as well as the development of effective protective environments and technical means for the implementation of new technologies. Key words: scientific developments, artificial insemination, history, pig breeding, scientists, Institute of Animal Science NAAS, Ukraine.

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