
Introduction. The problem of the development of reflexive abilities in the process of professional training of a teacher is relevant in view of the formation of the student's subjective position as one of the significant results of learning at a university. Of particular research interest is the study of the influence of the development of professional intelligence on the reflective abilities of students – future elementary school teachers. The purpose of the article is to assess the impact of the process of vocational training on the development of reflective and cognitive abilities of students – future primary school teachers. Materials and methods. The sample of the study consisted of 104 students of the Pedagogical University studying in the field of "Primary Education". Reflective abilities were assessed by the test of reflection of V.D. Shadrikov, S.S. Kurginyan. Intellectual abilities were measured using R. Amthauer intelligence structure test. The data were analyzed by methods of primary descriptive statistics, non-parametric U-Mann-Whitney comparison test, linear and rank correlation methods of r-Pearson and r-Spearman. The results of the study. The partial nature of the development of the parameters of reflection of activity has been established, which is manifested in the fact that different tasks of vocational training require the intensification of individual reflexive abilities. The beginning of vocational training (1st year) is associated with a more intense reflection of motivation and goal setting, which is explained by the need to correlate expectations with the real conditions of study at a university; inclusion in a long and intensive pedagogical practice (3rd year) actualizes the reflection of the subject and subjective conditions of activity, as well as ways to solve pedagogical situations. A contradiction was found between the growth in the level of intellectual abilities during the learning process and the decrease in the reflection of educational and professional activities – about 80% of significant correlations between the parameters of intelligence and reflection are negative. This indicates both the specifics of the professional training of a primary school teacher and the need to reduce the volume of reproductive work in the process of educational and professional activities. Conclusion. The results of the study are of great practical importance for organizing and improving the process of professional training of students – future primary school teachers. The strategy for the formation of reflexive abilities should be non-linear, taking into account not only the individual characteristics of the student, but also the specifics of the tasks solved at different stages of professional training.

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