
The practical implementation of the transition to the domestic market and a sharp reduction in export operations in the short term may be complicated by the lack of sufficient demand from the consumer segment. If the consumer segment is made up of households, the Group may face a decline in demand due to a fall in purchasing power in the context of the crisis and macroeconomic instability (rising regional unemployment, higher inflation) or the presence of existing competitors positioning themselves in this market niche and having a certain stable customer base formed, among other things, through loyalty policies. In the context of sales of inputs on the domestic market, in addition to the above, there may be a problem of inconsistency of technical standards and requirements in terms of different technical regulations and the possibilities of using inputs at domestic and foreign enterprises. Based on the above conclusions, it can be concluded that there is a need for a time lag for reorientation from export to domestic trade operations, and it is advisable to take into account the role of state support in stimulating demand for such products.

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