
The Merdeka Curriculum as an innovation in the world of education requires a deep understanding from educators, especially Islamic Religious Education teachers. This aims to improve the quality of education, furthermore, the Independent Curriculum requires teachers to have pedagogical competence, because, through this pedagogical competence, the implementation of the Independent Curriculum can run optimally. This research focuses on MTs Takhashush Tahfidhul Qur'an and MTs Negeri 1 Banyumas, through this research we will learn about the development of the pedagogical competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers at these schools. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods, with data collection techniques namely interviews, observation, and documentation, while data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman model which consists of three main stages, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of this research show that implementing the independent curriculum at MTs Takhashush Tahfidhul Qur'an and MTs Negeri 1 Banyumas has significant differences. At MTs Takhashush Tahfidhul Qur'an, implementation is still in the transition stage and is limited to class VII it is still mixed with the 2013 curriculum. In contrast, at MTs Negeri 1 Banyumas, all classes have fully implemented the independent curriculum. To increase the pedagogical competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers in understanding the independent curriculum, development efforts were carried out at the two schools, including encouragement to participate in training through forums such as the Subject Teachers' Conference and Teacher Working Groups, as well as various training courses organized by the Ministry of Religion. However, the main obstacles in its implementation involve the condition of facilities, means, and infrastructure which may be inadequate, and the condition of teacher human resources.

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