
In this paper is presented a novel approach for current measurement using smart materials, magnetic shape memory (MSM) alloys. Their shape change can be controlled by the application of magnetic field or mechanical stress. This gives the possibility to measure currents by correlating the magnetic field produced by the current, shape change in an MSM- based sensor and the voltage output of a Linear Variable Differential Transducer (LVDT) actuated by this shape change. In the first part of the paper is presented a review of existing current measurement sensors by comparing their properties and highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.


  • Under the term conventional instrument transformers is usually considered measurement of current and voltage using transformers with an iron core

  • This paper presents a review of existing principles for sensors for current measurement and proposes a novel approach using magnetic shape memory (MSM) smart alloys, which change shape when subjected to magnetic fields

  • It seems the incompatibility of conventional measurement transformers with modern equipment is one of the main reasons for searching novel current-sensing and measurement solutions based on different alternative principles

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City Research Online

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