
Relevance. Dynamic changes in society affect all areas of life, including education. In Kazakhstan, educational policy reform is based on a competence-based and personal approach, which determines the relevance of using modern innovative educational tools, including for studying natural sciences.Purpose. The purpose of the study was to examine the features of the formation of natural science literacy of students based on the use of case technologies in their study of chemistry.Methodology. For this purpose, the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalisation, deduction, and abstraction were used.Results. As a result, it is established that case technologies are characterised by high efficiency in the modern educational process. It is proved that their use positively impacts various types of students� skills, namely subject and personal. Thus, educational subjects acquire the necessary skills to use the acquired knowledge of chemistry in everyday life and solve global problems. As a result, it was established that case technologies contribute to the improvement of the student�s personal qualities and their opportunities for self-development and reflection. The study has developed an algorithm that teachers can use when creating case assignments on their own.Conclusions. The study also identified the value of natural science literacy of schoolchildren, both for their educational activities and for everyday life. Accordingly, based on the given examples of case tasks, the possibility of their use by teachers when presenting specific subjects in chemistry was demonstrated. It is advisable to use individual results in the process of developing educational and methodological recommendations for chemistry teachers in schools in Kazakhstan and in the process of improving their qualifications.

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