Monopoly is one of the games that can be applied as a learning media. Modifications of this media were applied so this game intended to informed teacher about students’ cognitive ability and to increase students’ learning stimulus acceptance. The aim of this research was to develop modified monopoly game as learning media on endocrine system. The research was held at Senior High School 1 Jakarta using research and development method. Need assessment, product development, and try-out and revision were the steps in this research. In the try-out and revision step, media expert and material expert were involved as the assessors, meanwhile Biology teacher, and students grade XI at Senior High School 1 Jakarta were performed as the media user. After the whole try out process, the product received the lowest score was 72,67%, and the highest was 94,63%. And the average score was 85,66% that achieved a very good interpretation. The result of this research showed that the modified monopoly game could be utilized as one of learning media on Endocrine System at Senior High School grade XI science.
of the games that can be applied as a learning media
so this game intended to informed teacher about students' cognitive ability
The research was held at Senior High School 1 Jakarta using research and development method
Modifikasi yang dapat dilakukan pada permainan ini adalah mengubah kota dan kompleks warna menjadi gambar atau materi sistem hormon, mengubah aturan main sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran alternatif, menyajikan soal berupa tayangan video dari fenomena yang ditemui sehari-hari, hingga memberikan tingkat kesulitan yang bertahap (level) dalam permainan. Tingkat kesulitan bertahap diterapkan dalam soal-soal yang ada dalam permainan juga dapat mengasah daya nalar siswa dengan kegiatan yang menyenangkan karena didesain mengikuti tingkatan taksonomi ranah kognitif yang dibuat oleh Bloom mulai dari C1 (pengetahuan/hafalan/ingatan) sampai ke C4 (analisis). Dengan memberikan beberapa modifikasi dari permainan monopoli yang beredar di masyarakat, permainan monopoli termodifikasi sebagai media pembelajaran dapat digunakan siswa untuk memahami dan mengerti materi sistem hormon secara komprehensif. Media pembelajaran ini diharapkan dan mengerti materi Sistem Hormon secara komprehensif dengan cara yang lebih menyenangkan
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