
This study aims to develop innovative learning media that is mobile learning through scientific approaches on Electrolyte and Redox and to find out the feasibility of media produced. This research was conducted at SMAN 39 Jakarta and SMAN 98 Jakarta from January to May 2019. The research method used is Research and Development (Borg and Gall) by modifying five stages, namely: needs analysis, product development, validation, and product test. The resulting mobile learning media is called “Electrolyte and Redox.apk” that is compatible with Android devices and provides a summary, videos, simulations, quizzes, and educational games. Feasibility test by topic and language expert acquired 83%-100% with 0.808 of reliability. Feasibility tests by media experts acquired 91%-100% with 0.812 of reliability. Media trials by chemistry teachers acquired 88% -100% with “very good” criteria. Media trials by small scale students received 88%, and a large scale gained 92% with “very good” standards. Based on the results, it can be concluded that mobile learning media through the scientific approach in Electrolyte and Redox topic proper to use as a learning media and suitable for students and teachers needed.

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