
Introduction. Currently, civil passivity, unwillingness to bear responsibility, is very common among students of higher educational institutions. Creating conditions for the active life of students is a complex problem, the solution of which depends on the efficiency of the enterprises of the region and the country. The education of the norms of collective life in young specialists, the development of civil and social responsibility is an important and urgent task. The purpose of the study: to develop measures to improve educational work with students of technical universities by creating conditions for their active life in accordance with the purpose and objectives of the approximate work program of education recommended by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Materials and methods. The analysis of scientific sources in the field of education, organization of student self-government, improvement of student satisfaction is applied. The study analyzed the results of the questionnaire survey of 947 students of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Methods of mathematical statistics: t-Student test for independent samples. The results of the study. Stated the facts of unsatisfactory consideration of the opinion of students, as well as the imperfection of the existing mechanisms of student self-government and regulation of the educational process. The identified comments and suggestions of students regarding the organization of the university's work remain mostly in self-examination reports, which was confirmed when comparing data on student satisfaction for 2019 and 2020, no significant differences were found according to the Student's criterion (p > 0.1). The practical significance lies in identifying the points of growth of higher educational institutions in terms of improving educational work. The results of the study can be useful and applicable for creating conditions for the active life of students in other universities of the country. In the future, it is planned to repeat the research in order to evaluate the recommendations.

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