
To improve the health of the population, it is necessary to develop products that contain natural ingredients with antioxidant properties. The development of the technology of meat and fish molded semi-finished products of the Ayurvedic direction is relevant today. The main raw material was poultry meat. After conducting a literary review of scientific publications and comparing the chemical composition of different types of fish, we selected sea fish ‒ hake, pollock and oceanic ‒ saithe, haddock with amount of protein. The technology of molded meat and fish products allows to introduce into the composition of semi-finished products multifunctional ingredients that enrich the chemical composition of the product, increase the nutritional value, improve its taste, and expand the range of processing of raw materials without production waste. This technology makes it possible to create meat and fish semi-finished products, with a targeted change in the chemical composition, corresponding to the physiological needs of the human body, especially for children, the elderly. To identify the most optimal ratios between meat and fish raw materials, have been developed 21 samples of minced meat and fish systems. A study of the organoleptic evaluation of meat and fish semi-finished products was carried out, with the introduction of fish raw materials into the recipe from 10 to 50%. The detailed profilograms were built on the basis of the research results. The general comparative analysis allows us to state that among all the presented research samples, the best marks were obtained for sample No. 5 and No. 4 using ocean fish (haddock in the amount of 50%; saithe fish in the amount of 40%) in terms of taste, smell and consistency. As a result of studies of the physicochemical indicators of the developed minced meat and fish systems, it was found that almost all prototypes were characterized by an increased moisture content with an increase in the amount of fish raw materials. For further research, samples were selected whose recipes were the most optimal in terms of the ratio of meat and fish raw materials, namely chicken fillet and haddock fish in a ratio of 50: 50%, and chicken fillet and saithe fish ‒ 60: 40%.


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  • Ключевые слова: мясо птицы; хек; минтай; пикша; сайда; мясо-рыбные полуфабрикаты; полифункциональные добавки; технология

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Мета роботи

Створення технології м’ясо-рибних формованих напівфабрикатів з використанням поліфункціональних добавок аюрведичного направлення, зокрема для дітей та людей похилого віку, з хорошими органолептичними властивостями продукту. Для виготовлення дослідної партії м'ясорибних напівфабрикатів нами було взято м’ясо птиці, як найбільш доступну для українського споживача сировину, а також морську рибу ‒ хек, мінтай, океанічну ‒ сайду, пікшу

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