
Abstract: The lack of use of learning media in teaching and learning activities in schools causes students to not understand the material being taught. The development of media in this study takes the material of the plurality of Indonesian society in the even semester of class VIII at the SMP / MTs level. The development model used is the Borg and Gall method, which consists of ten steps in its stages. This study involved students from three schools, namely MTsN 5 Tulungagung with a total of 30 students and a yield of 85% and a reliability test of 0.897, MTsN 3 Kediri with 34 students and a percentage of 85% and a reliability test of 0.881, and SMPN 1 Exposure with 34 students and the percentage results are 91% and the reliability test is 0.930. Data collection techniques used were observation and questionnaires, while data analysis used descriptive qualitative and descriptive statistics. The results of the expert validation test show that video media for learning the plurality of Indonesian society has a valid category, namely 81.6% by media experts and 83.6% by material experts. Therefore, it can be concluded that this learning video media has an impact on students' understanding which increases at the SMP/MTs Class VIII level in three schools.

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