
To identify lead candidate allele-independent hammerhead ribozymes (hhRz) for the treatment of autosomal dominant mutations in the human rod opsin ( RHO) gene, we tested a series of hhRzs for potential to significantly knockdown human RHO gene expression in a human cell expression system. Multiple computational criteria were used to select target mRNA regions likely to be single stranded and accessible to hhRz annealing and cleavage. Target regions are tested for accessibility in a human cell culture expression system where the hhRz RNA and target mRNA and protein are coexpressed. The hhRz RNA is embedded in an adenoviral VAI RNA chimeric RNA of established structure and properties which are critical to the experimental paradigm. The chimeric hhRz–VAI RNA is abundantly transcribed so that the hhRzs are expected to be in great excess over substrate mRNA. HhRz–VAI traffics predominantly to the cytoplasm to colocalize with the RHO mRNA target. Colocalization is essential for second-order annealing reactions. The VAI chimera protects the hhRz RNA from degradation and provides for a long half-life. With cell lines chosen for high transfection efficiency and a molar excess of hhRz plasmid over target plasmid, the conditions of this experimental paradigm are specifically designed to evaluate for regions of accessibility of the target mRNA in cellulo. Western analysis was used to measure the impact of hhRz expression on RHO protein expression. Three lead candidate hhRz designs were identified that significantly knockdown target protein expression relative to control ( p < 0.05). Successful lead candidates (hhRz CUC↓ 266, hhRz CUC↓ 1411, hhRz AUA↓ 1414) targeted regions of human RHO mRNA that were predicted to be accessible by a bioinformatics approach, whereas regions predicted to be inaccessible supported no knockdown. The maximum opsin protein level knockdown is approximately 30% over a 48 h paradigm of testing. These results validate a rigorous computational bioinformatics approach to detect accessible regions of target mRNAs in cellulo. The opsin knockdown effect could prove to be clinically significant when integrated over longer periods in photoreceptors. Further optimization and animal testing are the next step in this stratified RNA drug discovery program. A recently developed novel and efficient screening assay based upon expression of a dicistronic mRNA ( RHO–IRES–SEAP) containing both RHO and reporter (SEAP) cDNAs was used to compare the hhRz 266 lead candidate to another agent (Rz525/hhRz485) already known to partially rescue retinal degeneration in a rodent model. Lead hhRz 266 CUC↓ proved more efficacious than Rz525/hhRz485 which infers viability for rescue of retinal degeneration in appropriate preclinical models of disease.

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