
A differential equation is a compulsory subject that must be contracted by student bachelor of mathematics education program. It is still considered difficult by most students. The difficulty is due to the varied solution and the interrelationship with Integral and Differential Calculus materials. An educational game is one of the creative industry products that can process knowledge into games. This research aims to make an educational game of differential integral calculus which can be used as a learning supplement for students. The design of an educational game is to create a scenario include materials, questions, solutions, and tests on Integral and Differential Calculus. The research model used in this research is using ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation), but not include implementation phase. The initial requirement analysis phase involves observing the students learning difficulties when studying the material of Differential and Integral Calculus. The design phase is the preparation of concepts and questions related to the material of Differential and Integral Calculus. The development stage is to create and develop a game using software RPG game maker MV. The result of this research was as follows (1) educational game was valid, (2) educational game was practical.

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