
Topicality. The UN Summit on Global Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development identifies the need to address poverty and hunger, human rights, and long-term protection of the planet and its natural resources. The development of the economy should be aimed both at a single goal and to represent a multifunctional system that covers their achievements in an interdependent set. Building a blue economy in the context of sustainability is crucial not only for the Summit's global goal of 14 " Life below water", but also for the goals of resources, poverty, health, justice and prosperity. This is especially true of island and coastal states, where the seas and oceans provide daily life, livelihoods, economic opportunities in poverty and food shortages. Sustainable development of mariculture can provide significant potential for increasing revenues and contributions of the industry to the national economy. With the right approach to location, development, management and regulation, the mariculture industry can bring economic, environmental and social benefits. Mariculture as a highly productive industry based on sustainable development practices is the key to food and environmental security, a sustainable seafood supply chain and significant socio-economic benefits for coastal areas. For the effective development of mariculture, as for any economic sector, a stable basis is needed as an institutional support, which in Ukraine, unfortunately, is not characterized by a high enough level. The current state of affairs, trends and identified problems actualize the purpose of scientific research. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the study is to assess the institutional support for the development of mariculture in Ukraine and study international experience in this field in the context of its implementation in national practice. The main objectives of the study are: to study the features of the theoretical and applied basis of the development of the mariculture system in the domestic and international context, in order to identify opportunities for implementation of international experience in Ukraine; to analyze the domestic institutional context of mariculture development and the legal framework for mariculture development in countries with long traditions of marine organisms and in countries where this industry did not previously exist; to develop conclusions on the current state of institutional support and recommendations for the development of mariculture in Ukraine on the basis of compliance with international requirements and justify the possibility of their implementation. Research results. The scientific novelty of the study is that the author proposed the definition of "mariculture", an algorithm for the development of institutional support of mariculture in Ukraine based on the implementation of international norms and principles (subjective, object and spatial sphere) based on the experience of the European Union. world leaders in the development of mariculture and countries with a short tradition of growing marine organisms or where this industry did not previously exist. Conclusion. A detailed interpretation of mariculture based on the characteristics of the industry presented in the texts of the existing legal framework of Ukraine, European Union countries, world leaders in mariculture, dictionaries and works of prominent Ukrainian and foreign scientists. An algorithm for the development of institutional support for mariculture in Ukraine has been developed.

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