
The article is devoted to the development of the technology of an individual path of teaching a foreign language, considering the student's self-assessment in a technical university. The theoretical and practical lack of elaboration of this problem both at the psychological and pedagogical levels in the domestic educational system makes our research relevant. Currently, the requirements imposed on a university graduate often do not coincide with the requirements that a future specialist imposes on himself. There is an internal contradiction and conflict, both interpersonal and intrapersonal. To minimize this discomfort, the authors of the article propose to build the educational process according to the requirements of the university and the desires of students, using the technology of individual educational path. The authors consider in detail the concept of «self-assessment» from a psychological point of view, the understanding and awareness of their level of knowledge in a foreign language will help in the development of these skills and abilities. In this paper, students independently determined the level of their skills and abilities to read and write in a foreign language according to the proposed test. Then the level of foreign language proficiency of students was analyzed based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, highlighting the features of self-assessment of foreign language proficiency (reading and writing) of students. The paper provides recommendations on the implementation of the technology of individual learning trajectory in the educational process according to the data obtained on self-assessment and assessment of the level of proficiency in reading and writing based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to ensure the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages to students of technical specialties.

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