
Language is the ability to communicate with any person. Approximate number of spoken languages are 6500 in the world. Different regions in a world have different languages spoken. Spoken language recognition is the process to identify the language spoken in a speech sample. Most of the spoken language identification is done on languages other than Indian. There are many applications to recognize a speech like spoken language translation in which the fundamental step is to recognize the language of the speaker. This system is specifically made to identify two Indian languages. The speech data of various news channels is used that is available online. The Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) feature is used to collect features from the speech sample because it provides a particular identity to the different classes of audio. The identification is done by using MFCC feature in the Deep Neural Network. The objective of this work is to improve the accuracy of the classification model. It is done by making changes in several layers of the Deep Neural Network.

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