
This study focuses <span>on the developed web-based information system which allows <a name="_Hlk100824864"></a>local government unit (LGU) in Samar Island and other agricultural sectors to have access to updated farmers’ information and the soil nutrient, soil fertility status, and the crop suitability of soil in the different municipalities of Samar. Geo-referenced agricultural map and management system can be an important tool for both operational and policy levels by accelerating the supply of up-to-date data, supporting the implementation of different types of projects targeting objectives such as municipal development, regional economic development, agricultural development, sustainable resource management, good governance, and many others. The management information system was developed using MySQL. The server-side language used in this study was PHP and the client-side language used was hypertext markup language (HTML). The map was created using Mapbox GL JS, then, geo-referenced map layers are saved to the local server as an array map for direct access via the front-end web application. With the use of the system, LGU in Samar Island and other agricultural sectors can implement project more efficiently because farmers’ information and the nutrient capacity of the soil is readily available.</span>

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