
The purposes set in carrying out of this work were the final determining of composition of vegetative milled semi-finished product, and its preferences over traditional samples of milled mince-meats based on use of beef. The factors stipulated the need of raising of this work were as follows. 1) the increased deficit of meat raw because of quick rising of world population growing on one billion during last 11 years, as well as prospective bettering of level of their nourishing, 2) continuous worsening of ecological state of the planet because of intense progress of livestock-breeding: it was shown that consumption of water in breeding of cattle is, dependently of region of world, is of 20-70 % of its quantity, and formed in breeding of one cow surpass the related value of one man by factor of 150, 3) increasing of generation of greenhouse gases, which quantity constitutes 18 % of their global quantity. This stage of complex investigation included the search of specialized literature by problem of choose of vegetative ingredient of milled mince recommended to replace ingredients of animal origin. It was shown in earlier publications the replacing of beef by soy and wheat texturate permits to preserve the trade view of the mince and make better at the same time in less quantity of sodium such its basic organoleptic properties as taste, aroma and consistency. It was compared in this work the indices of content of minerals and vitamins in the control mix and the mince in development, and shown that the latter contains more vitamins and minerals, especially the selenium one. To speed up dynamics of its assimilation we propose to increase dosing of iodine into the mince by mode of replacing of rock salt by the sea one. The formulation of the mince recommended for extended manufacturing includes also the component of mix of sunflower and coconut oil instead of fat of animal origin. Use of component of coconut oil in such mix permitted to correct partly ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid to the level recommended by dietarians.

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