
The study is devoted to topical issues of development of enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, which at the present stage have a high innovative potential, their interaction with small businesses to improve production efficiency. The ecosystem approach makes it possible to form new principles of integration that replace the classical forms of cooperation: contracting, institutionalization and clustering. The objects of the study were enterprises of the military-industrial complex, development institutions, business entities of the Udmurt Republic. The aim of the work is to develop a mechanism for "drawing" SMEs into the production ecosystem of a technological large defense complex business to ensure maximum efficiency of all participants in the production process. To substantiate the possibility of using the ecosystem approach as a mechanism for integrating defense industry enterprises and small businesses, the system method was used in the work (when deriving the composition of ecosystems, characterizing the components of the ecosystem, describing the presence and dynamics of links between the components), as well as the modeling method (when developing the involvement mechanism). To solve this problem, the authors have developed models of a regional accelerator of business ideas, technology transfer, a regional entrepreneurial production ecosystem as tools for innovative growth and development of enterprises in the military-industrial complex. The results obtained are consistent with domestic and foreign experience in the development of high-tech large industrial business, and therefore can be applied in the implementation of the regional economic growth policy, as well as defense industry enterprises on the way to further diversification.

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