
The article examines communicative competence as an integrated quality of students of secondary education institutions. The definition of the concept of “communicative competence” is presented, in which attention is focused on the importance of the emotional and volitional sphere of the student, which determines his ability to successfully carry out communicative interaction in society. It is noted that the question of the formation of emotional and volitional qualities of schoolchildren remains relevant even today and requires constant attention and comprehensive research. Attention is focused on the theoretical understanding of the emotional qualities of the student’s character, which is related to the strength of feelings that accompany his activity aimed at satisfying his own needs, and depend on the intensity and nature of the corresponding experiences, as well as on the strong-willed character traits that determine energy, with how a young person strives to achieve his goals in communication and manages his mental processes and states. In order to diagnose the formation of emotional and volitional qualities of students, the test method “Attitude to criticism” was proposed and implemented, taking into account that the formation of communicative competence of students of secondary education institutions, including the development of their emotional and volitional qualities, is possible under the condition of communicative orientation of educational disciplines, the use of didactic games, interactive non-game learning methods, organization of the educational process based on the subject-subject communicative interaction of the teacher and pupil, promotion of participation of school pupils in extracurricular work, in particular participation in school self-governance activities, involvement in research work, participation in scientific circles, readers’ conferences, discussion clubs, round tables, debates, creative studios, etc. The results of testing and an oral survey of young people are described, qualitative indicators of positive changes regarding the levels of formation of their emotional and volitional sphere are analyzed.

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