
<p><span>Following the occupation of Kosova by the dual Austria-Hungarian Empire, the Albanian people had now passed through a long period of occupation by the Ottoman Empire, as well as by the late occupation of the Serbian Kingdom, where the Albanians had gone through a terrible calvary from the new invaders. With all these sufferings and prohibitions, the occupation of Austria-Hungary found the Albanian people in a miserable state in terms of education. The majority of the population was illiterate, therefore the Dualist Empire aimed at bringing the Albanian people closer to itself and tried to regulate the issue of education as much as it was possible, as well as allow freedom in terms of Albanian culture and traditions. It also tried to raise the Albanian population to a higher level in every sphere by cooperating with bright figures, such as Hasan Prishtina and others. On this occasion, they took advantage of the opportunity to develop education in the Albanian language as much as possible. The German language was also included in the program. This short period for the Albanians was a great advancement in various fields such as in the improvement of infrastructure, culture and especially in education through the opening of schools and courses to combat illiteracy in Kosova.</span></p><p><span><strong><span>Keywords: </span></strong><span>World War I, Austria-Hungary, Kosova, education, culture, etc.</span></span></p>

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