
The article considers the solution to the problem of improving the training of modern engineering personnel at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, starting from the first course. Technological progress is greatly influenced by the use of «artificial intelligence» in the creation and operation of fundamentally new machines. In this regard, in specialized schools at BMSTU, the interest of students in the events taking place at the university and aimed at developing their creative activity has increased. Teachers of the department «Engineering Graphics» take part in the organization and conduct of the so-called «project weeks», the task of which is to develop the creative activity of children, starting from the first grade. For several decades, the Department of Engineering Graphics has been holding the annual student conference «Scientific Spring», at which first-year students present creative projects completed at school, but with some development under the guidance of teachers of the department. The article presents a methodology for organizing such work with students of Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

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