
The development of cities is a complex and multifaceted subject that intertwines urban planning, geography, economics, and architecture. Cities are shaped by a variety of factors, including their historical contexts, geographical settings, economic activities, and cultural influences. This research paper delves into the evolution of cities by examining their growth patterns, shapes, and structures throughout history. From the ancient cities that emerged around 3500 BCE to the contemporary urban environments of today, the study highlights the interplay between natural features, human activities, and technological advancements in shaping urban landscapes. Modern city planning principles are also explored through the research paper, emphasizing sustainability, smart technologies, and inclusivity in the face of growing urbanization and globalization. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how cities have developed over time and the factors that continue to influence their form and function in the 21st century. Key Words: city form, urban planning, shape, pattern.

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