
Entering the industrial era 4.0, the role of the world of education is very important in forming graduates who are competent and can compete in the business world. Graduates are required to have understanding and expertise / skills in their respective fields. Therefore learning activities must innovate in meeting the demands of the workplace. One of them is by utilizing technological advances in learning activities in the form of learning applications based on project tasks. With this project-based blended learning model, students are trained to complete a project designed according to the needs of the industry / company and can take advantage of learning applications as learning media. Lecturers can monitor the development of projects carried out by students through learning applications, besides that this application can be used by lecturers and students to discuss when problems are encountered during learning activities. The assessment activities are not only from mastering the material but also from student project assignments. By giving projects to students, it can train students’ ability to solve problems and do simple designs on computer networks. This learning model was implemented at STMIK Indonesia Padang in the Computer Network Design and Management course. The development of this project-based Blended Learning model was carried out using the Borg and Gall development model. From the results of the development produced a learning syntax of project-based blended learning models.

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