
Hepatic transport and metabolism of bilirubin have been examined in term, premature, and postmature newborn Macaca mulatta (rhesus) monkeys with and without prior phenobarbital treatment of pregnant mother and neonate. In untreated neonates a biphasic pattern of physiologic unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia has been observed. Phase I was characterized by a rapid increase in serum bilirubin concentration to 4.5 mg/dl by 19 hours and an equally rapid decline to 1.0 mg/dl by 48 hours of age. Phase II was characterized by a stable elevation at 1.0 mg/dl (four times greater than in the adult) from 48 to 96 hourse of age, followed by a decline to normal adult concentrations thereafter. An identical pattern was observed in 29 normal, term human neonates, but the duration of each phase was approximately three times as long as that in the monkey. Phase I hyperbilirubinemia appears to result from a sixfold increase in bilirubin load presented to the liver in the neonatal period, combined with marked deficieny in hepatic bilirubin conjugation, the rate-limiting step during Phase I. Hepatic uptake of bilirubin is not rate limiting during Phase I but may contribute to Phase II hyperbilirubinemia. An increased bilirubin load persists throughout the first 19 days of life in the monkey. Phase I physiologic jaundice in the monkey neonate was completely eliminated by prenatal maternal and neonatal administration of phenobarbital. A threefold enhancement of hepatic conjugation of bilirubin (glucuronyl transferase activity) during Phase I entirely accounted for the prevention of hyperbilirubinemia. The bilirubin load was unaffected by administration of phenobarbital. Whereas in control neonates the bilirubin load slightly exceeded hepatic bilirubin conjugating capacity and resulted in retention of bilirubin, in phenobarbital-treated neonates, hepatic conjugating capacity slightly exceeded that required for the bilirubin load. Administration of phenobarbital failed to alter Phase II hyperbilirubinemia and did not enhance either maximal hepatic uptake or excretion of bilirubin. Hepatic glucuronly transferase activity was increased threefold during Phase II and during the remainder of the neonatal period. Premature birth retarded maturation of hepatic glucuronyl transferase activity. In one phenobarbital-treated premature monkey neonate, there was no apparent response to treatment. Accelerated maturation of bilirubin uptake, conjugation, and excretion of bilirubin was observed in one postmature monkey neonate.

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