
The solution of the problem of developing approaches to the management of the emergency prevention process in the conditions of limited energy supply of emergency response measures is considered. Within the framework of solving the problem, the process of emergency management in the conditions of limited energy supply is analyzed and the scheme of managerial influence on the process of spreading the emergency situation in the conditions of limited energy supply is developed. A structural and logical model of emergency management in conditions of limited energy supply has been developed. Developed a structural and logical model of emergency management in conditions of limited energy supply, which consists of twelve units. These are monitoring of the situation, identification of risks, notification and evacuation of people, search and identification of the danger of emergence and spread of emergency in conditions of limited energy supply, decision-making on the use of special equipment for electricity generation, preparatory measures, information control measures. measures in case of spread of danger, localization of sources of spread of danger, decision-making on recovery without quarantine regime in the region of hostilities, impact on the situation, analysis of the effectiveness of preventive measures and emergency prevention measures. The location of the units on six hierarchical levels, connected by logical connections, provides information on the state of the region in conditions of limited energy supply through the elements of the monitoring system and impact on the region through the system of performers, providing a continuous management process to minimize the consequences of emergency. The obtained results allow, using innovative information and technical methods of emergency prevention of such nature, to further form a modern method of emergency response in conditions of limited energy supply of emergency response measures, supplementing the above methods with an effective crisis management system. Key words: emergency situation, structural-logical model, conditions of limited energy supply.


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