
Local wisdom is a dynamic source of knowledge, developing and influencing certain communities, integrated with the natural surroundings and their native culture. Local wisdom in Indonesia is a wealth that must be protected. One way to preserve and instill local wisdom in students was by linking it to learning physics. The local wisdom used in this research is a nekeran traditional games. Nekeran is a traditional games from Klaten, Central Java. This study aims to develop an android-based physics e-book through local wisdom nekeran on momentum and impulse material. E-books were presented in an Android application with the format (.apk) and to find out the feasibility of the physics e-book product. The method in developing physics e-book is R & D (Educational Research and Development) with a 4-D model. The results of the assessment of the feasibility analysis and practicality of the e-book application were seen from the assessment by experts, high school physics teachers, peers, and questionnaire responses from students based on material and media aspects. From the results, it could be concluded that based on the material aspect includes three sub aspects, namely learning material, presentation, language, and readability which were stated in the very good category. Meanwhile, the media aspect, which includes product display and software engineering, is stated in the very good category. So that the total assessment of an android-based physics e-book to local wisdom of traditional nekeran games in suitable for use in the learning process.

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