
Many previous researches shown the percentage of population using mobile technologies was increasing constantly, included in Indonesia. This growth apparently also supported by Android penetration as an Operating System and the easier of internet access. Mobile phone has become the main device in daily life, included in business activities. People increasingly need a mobile phone as gadget for storing various documents. This research is designed to address the document management application in Android. Application help to organize, retrieve and modify document contents. With this Android application, users can use it to store documents and can combine several documents as desired. This application works based on HTML format file. Therefore, the original files are converted to html format. While the conversion process cannot be done directly, but the original file is converted to pdf and then converted to html. All the conversion process is done in the server and application retrieve the result as HTML file for displaying in the mobile phone screen. During the converting process, it is found that the number of concurrent users is not relevant with the server respond time. The server respond time is determined by document size.

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