
This paper describes the development of a Decision support system (DSS) for earthquake warning service in Vietnam using Web GIS technology. The system consists of two main components: (1) an on-line database of earthquakes recorded from the national seismic network of Vietnam, and (2) a set of tools for rapid seismic hazard assessment. Using an online earthquake database, the system allows creating a shake map caused by a newly recorded earthquake. In addition, the Web GIS environment allows any user, including non-professional to get useful information about a just-occurred event and the possible impact caused by the earthquake shortly after its occurrence. A fault-source model developed for Vietnam was used as a part of the hazard calculation and mapping procedure. All information and results obtained from the system are automatically included in the earthquake bulletins, which will be disseminated national wide afterward by the Vietnam earthquake information and tsunami warning Center.The shake maps produced by the DSS in terms of both Peak Ground Acceleration and intensity values are rapidly available via the Web and can be used for emergency response, public information, loss estimation, earthquake planning, and post-earthquake engineering and scientific analyses. Application of the online decision support system in earthquake warning service can mitigate the earthquake risk and reduce the losses and damages due to earthquakes in Vietnam in future.ReferencesBoore D.M., Joyner W.B. and Fumal T.E., 1994. Estimation of Response Spectra and Peak Acceleration from Wester North American earthquakes: an interim report, USGS open file report, 94-127, Menlo Park, California, United States Geological Survey.Boore D.M. and Atkinson G.M., 2008. 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