
The problem of sharing of educational information and research of components interaction on load distribution from users is considered. Purpose: to implement software to solve this problem. Design a database and project structure. Role-based access to information should be implemented. A user-friendly interface must be created for the software. Develop tests for the program that should be implemented to check the functionality and performance of the program. Use the developed tests to conduct research on load distribution from users. The developed program consists two parts (server and client). They interact using HTTP requests. The server part processes the data and verifies them. The client part receives and provides data to the server part and implements a user-friendly interface. The solution of this problem is implemented in the environments IntelliJ Idea 2020.1 (Ultimate Edition) and WebStorm 2020.1. Java 11 and JavaScript (ECMAScript 6) programming languages were used for implementation. The novelty of the work lies in the development of a program that makes it possible to use the functions necessary for studying at a higher educational institution. For example, providing students with access to study materials, the ability for all users to view their schedule. Instructors can also view the schedule of the groups they teach in the current semester. Each student can revise the teacher's schedule if he teaches at least one subject. Another important function is the management of the structure of the university (management of information about institutes, departments and study groups). We also conducted research on the performance of the program and investigated the possibility of improving the speed of the program in the event of a significant increase in active users.

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