The article highlights the issues related to the analysis of the activities of small business confectionery companies and the justification of the need to adjust the implemented development strategy in modern economic conditions. The analysis of the activities of three small businesses in the confectionery industry is carried out. The directions of strategies for the development of small business enterprises in the confectionery industry have been determined, a systematic approach to assessing strategic development has been formed and tested on the example of one of the enterprises in terms of com modity turnover and commercial transaction and cost intensity and profitability. T he conclusion is made about t he possibility of the system of indicators of t he effective ness of the strategy to correctly assess t he state, measure its quality level, identify significant shortcomings in the organization of management and used reserves and out line ways of improvement.
I n the course o f the study, a n analysis o f the activ ities of t hree enterp rises of t he confect ionery indust ry of the Rostov reg ion was ca rried out, t he need to rev ise their st rategic deve lopment in te rms of suc h indicato rs as mont hly product ion and sa les of products fo r the period 2018 - 20 20 was subst antiated [ 9-12]
Propos als for imp roving the st rategy and assess ing its ef fectiveness a re presented as a just ification b ase
The aim of t he study is to study t he activit ies and deve lop an app roach to fo rmulating a bus iness deve lopment st rategy and assess ing the ef fectiveness o f confectio nery enterp rises in t he small business of the Rostov region, as wḛll as practical testḭng of the proposed solutions
The study o f the works o f modern rese archers [5,6,7,8] is just ified by t he purpose o f developi ng an appro ach to the fo rmation of a st rategy for t he develop ment of co nfectionery e nterprises o f small bus iness and ide ntifying a mo re acceptab le methodo logy for assess ing its ef fectiveness. The results o f the study m ade it poss ible to fo rm the direct ions of st rategies fo r the deve lopment of s mall confect ionery ente rprises and p ropose a syste m of indic ators to just ify the deve lopment of a st rategy for t he develop ment of co nfectionery e nterprises [1 3-16]. The aim of t he study is to study t he activit ies and deve lop an app roach to fo rmulating a bus iness deve lopment st rategy and assess ing the ef fectiveness o f confectio nery enterp rises in t he small business of the Rostov region, as wḛll as practical testḭng of the proposed solutions
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