
Abstract CloudSat’s Cloud Profiling Radar is a valuable tool for remotely monitoring high-latitude snowfall, but its ability to observe hydrometeor activity near the Earth’s surface is limited by a radar blind zone caused by ground clutter contamination. This study presents the development of a deeply supervised U-Net-style convolutional neural network to predict cold season reflectivity profiles within the blind zone at two Arctic locations. The network learns to predict the presence and intensity of near-surface hydrometeors by coupling latent features encoded in blind zone-aloft clouds with additional context from collocated atmospheric state variables (i.e., temperature, specific humidity, and wind speed). Results show that the U-Net predictions outperform traditional linear extrapolation methods, with low mean absolute error, a 38% higher Sørensen–Dice coefficient, and vertical reflectivity distributions 60% closer to observed values. The U-Net is also able to detect the presence of near-surface cloud with a critical success index (CSI) of 72% and cases of shallow cumuliform snowfall and virga with 18% higher CSI values compared to linear methods. An explainability analysis shows that reflectivity information throughout the scene, especially at cloud edges and at the 1.2-km blind zone threshold, along with atmospheric state variables near the tropopause, are the most significant contributors to model skill. This surface-trained generative inpainting technique has the potential to enhance current and future remote sensing precipitation missions by providing a better understanding of the nonlinear relationship between blind zone reflectivity values and the surrounding atmospheric state. Significance Statement Snowfall is a critical contributor to the global water–energy budget, with important connections to water resource management, flood mitigation, and ecosystem sustainability. However, traditional spaceborne remote monitoring of snowfall faces challenges due to a near-surface radar blind zone, which masks a portion of the atmosphere. In this study, a deep learning model was developed to fill in missing data across these regions using surface radar and atmospheric state variables. The model accurately predicts reflectivity, with significant improvements over conventional methods. This innovative approach enhances our understanding of reflectivity patterns and atmospheric interactions, bolstering advances in remote snowfall prediction.

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